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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Almost every person has a scar of some kind.  Some are very small and not noticed at all.  Others are large reminders of what almost was. 

Most firefighters carry a scar that represents a burn that healed over time, but the scars you can’t see are those that won’t ever heal.  Daily, they put the importance of our lives over their own.  We will never see the most painful firefighter scars, unless they let us close enough to look into their eyes and see into their hearts the regret and sorrow, and sometimes guilt, for those they couldn’t save.

Military men and women fight for our freedom during every second of every day, while we sleep in nice comfortable beds, eat at fancy restaurants, go to movies, take a Sunday drive, or enjoy a day at the beach.  Those soldiers are not nearly on our minds enough.  We get caught up in our own selfish petty problems and forget what is happening at this very moment.  For those that survive, they carry large scars, many with missing limbs, very precious things that those of us who have all of them take for granted.  Of course the scars on the hearts of the families that lost a son, a daughter, an aunt, an uncle, a best friend, a mother, or a father are also scars that no amount of time can erase.  Their scars should be constant reminders to us of the bravery, the dedication, the heroism, and the sacrifice that keeps us free, that keeps America the most wonderful, beautiful, incredible country in the world.  Take every opportunity to hug a service man or woman, or a family that has lost a loved one, and thank them with all your heart for the sacrifices they make.

Scars of every shape, size, and magnitude are everywhere.  From rodeo clowns, to bull riders, to kids who ride their bikes, to steel workers, to construction workers, to surgery patients, and to all different types of people from all walks of life, scars are common.

All scars have a story and most everyone that has one will be glad to tell you their story with pride. Most people wouldn’t change the fact they have a scar because it reminds them of their perseverance and their character. It makes them unique.  It may also remind them of a past that they don’t want to revisit, or of the strength it gives them to carry on.

Sure, they make creams to cover up small scars, and they make artificial limbs.  But no matter what, the scar will be there to the person that carries it.  It is a constant reminder and if it was earned with pride and dedication, it cannot be diminished.

With all the many scars out there, they all have something in common.  By the grace of God and all his mercy, a scar means YOU are still here.  From the seen to the unseen scars, from the minor to the major, you made it through whatever was thrown at you and you survived.  Your family and friends are grateful and blessed that you are still here so they can still show you their love and appreciation.  Whenever we lose someone it is always too soon, so be thankful that they made it through, scars and all.

So, I say to my sweet, amazing Wife -
Baby, there is no scar that can make me think any less of you or love you with any less than my whole heart.  You are more beautiful and sexy right now than the day we met.  And with everyday that passes, you become even more gorgeous and more precious to me.

I am so lucky and blessed to have YOU still here with me.  I don’t even want to imagine what it would have been like had I lost you. 

Everyday is a reminder that I have the privilege to spend one more day with you and I will never take that for granted.

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